Monday, October 24, 2011

Grasping and Running (Or Trying To Run)

So it's been since FEBRUARY since I posted anything. I have been busy! I did 6 weeks of a fitness boot camp (which I barely made it through). Since those treacherous 6 weeks of pushups, jumping jacks, situps, and a ton of yelling; it has given me a boost and jump started this long process of a much needed makeover. I have been exercising just about every night since boot camp ended.

Since I have been neglecting this blog (and been wasting precious world wide web space with no posts), I am going to try my hand at a different approach. I may get spiritual or humorous or even ridiculous; but it's a true statement that you learn something every day and I learn some during my exercises. It could be an idea or something that happened or even just something I remembered from another experience.

It seems that I have been learning something new every time I have exercised. I am going to try to post about my experiences every time there is one. Course, there are a few that may not need posting to keep my integrity. Hahaha. If I have that anymore. For example, use the bathroom before running, do not wear pants that are too big, watch out for rises in the concrete because that parked truck that my head is about to slam into isn't moving out of the way, etc. (I think you get the idea!).

I have had other humorous experiences, as well. Such as, hearing someone cat call at me and I turn around and its a blue jeep, otherwise known as my husband, honking at me while driving down St Rd 48; giving my husband the dirty "Stremming" look when he is telling me to run and to keep moving; trying to talk on the phone or text while running (that can have a huge affect on what words are typed...sometimes not good!)

Today was too beautiful to skip out on a great run. My husband has been "training" me, or at least trying, on starting to run. The first 2 weeks I was running one minute, walking two minutes. This week I have upped that to running one minute, walking one minute. I notice my legs are aching more and more since I changed my technique; but it's a good hurt. I am the type of exerciser that if something doesn't hurt, then I didn't work hard enough.

The idea that I learned today was I realized the real reason why people wear spandex or tight fitting pants when running or biking. I started to run and suddenly realized that I needed to just run right back to my house and get a different pair of pants. Needless to say, my pants kept falling when I was running...what a picture?!? Sorry everyone for that imagine. That is definitely a true story...lesson learned.

I still have about 50 pounds that I want to lose. It's slow, but worth it!

Till tomorrow's learning experience(s)...