Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pictures Are More Then Just a Thousand Words...It's Called Reality!

So, I was looking at pictures the other day of myself and realized that something needs to be done. I need to get my rear in gear and lose those 30-50 pounds that I want too. I know that everyone says this after January 1st pops around, but I have done it before and it will be done again.

Tomorrow Today is the day!

I am promising myself to get up earlier on at least two days of the week to get on my elliptical for about 15-20 minutes. This will be the first couple weeks to a month. Then progressively I will up the time and quantity of days. This is added onto the exercising that I do in the evenings already. In the spring and summer, I would like to start running regularly.

I will eat more veggies and just healthier all together. Today, I brought peppers and tomatoes and then items to make a cucumber sandwich. I had a "talk" with my husband the other day saying "If you are at a fast food restaurant and I say get me french fries, I really do not mean that. DO NOT get them for me! This is my other personality coming out". This will be one of the hardest areas for me, cause I love french fries.

I can do it! I just have to make sure that I do this for me and not for anyone else. People are let down by others everyday and most of the time its thought about for a second and that's it. We as human beings are more prone to not let ourselves down. In this case, that selfish attitude is worth it if we are healthier.

I am trying to get my husband to be my personal trainer, but that happened before and it almost called for a lawyer, two houses, two bank accounts, separate names (Well, you get the picture!)...I would blame myself for that cause I am not one that cares for people telling me how to live my life.

Wish me luck or if you see me out in public, give me that drill sergeant evil eye and say "Suck it up, Bethany!"

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