Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This Goes Out to the Strong

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in

This was a saying that was written on Elizabeth Edward's kitchen wall. If anyone had to learn imperfections in others, it was her. That is with everything her husband had put her through. I may not agree with everything she believed in, but I will admit that she was one strong woman.
Another strong woman was Heidi. It is coming up on 1 year that she left this earth and was made perfect. She was strong; having battled ovarian cancer for approximately 1.5 years. I remember seeing Heidi for the first time since she was diagnosed with cancer in June 2009. I was being picked up by her and Liz at the airport. I did not recognize Heidi; but then a smile came when she saw me. She was still the bubbly and daring girl that I had met in college many a moons ago.

I think cancer sometimes happens to the strongest of people to remind us weaklings that life is better then we realize.

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