Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas @ Granny's Today!

Today is one of my all-time favorite days. Not particularly this actual date, but the event, or occasion, that is happening today.

Its Christmas at Granny and Grandad Burcham's house.

I love my family! Its never a dull moment when all the kids are there (though we will be missing three of the kids today) and everyone is trying to talk all at once. Its a blessing to have such a close family and GREAT! cooks. Some years we will play Bingo (that is if Bailey and I have our way). Its always a blast doing that as well. Course, I am thinking that we need to teach Grandad about the kite tail, the double bingo, postage stamp, etc.

I also am blessed to still be able to say that I have all four of my grandparents still with me today. I wouldn't give that up for anything.

Well, I am going to get ready for the day. Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday. I know I will.

By the way, special shout out to Jessica, Sara, Dustin, and the kids. We will miss you today. Wish you were all here (don't worry! I wont send a postcard). Its definitely not the same without all of you. Cant wait to see you!

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